Yellow-browed woodpecker

Yellow-browed woodpecker
Piculus aurulentus

Photo by Ricardo Gentil (Flickr)

Common name:
yellow-browed woodpecker (en); pica-pau-dourado (pt); pic à bandeaux (fr); carpintero cejigualdo (es);weißbrauenspecht (de)

Order Piciformes
Family Picidae

This species is found in south-eastern Brazil, from Espírito Santo down to Rio Grande do Sul, and marginally into south-eastern Paraguay and extreme north-eastern Argentina.

These birds are 20-22 cm long and weigh about 75 g.

The yellow-browed woodpecker is mostly found in mountain rainforests, also using rainforests at lower altitudes, dry tropical forests, forest edges and dense second growths. They occur at altitudes of 750-2.000 m.

They feed mainly on ants and their larvae, and possibly also the larvae of other insects found on tree bark. Occasionally, they also take fruits.

Yellow-browed woodpeckers breed in August-November. Both sexes excavate the nest hole, usually placed in a tree 2-7 m above the ground. There the female lays 2 white eggs with brown spots which are incubated by both parents for 21 days. The chicks are fed by both parents and fledge 26 days after hatching.

IUCN status – NT (Near-Threatened)
This species has a large breeding range, but is described as uncommon and suspected to be declining at a moderately rapid rate due to forests clearance for pastures and cultivation, and fires spreading out from cultivated areas.

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