Yellow-browed bunting

Yellow-browed bunting
Emberiza chrysophrys

Common name:
yellow-browed bunting (en); escrevedeira-de-sobrolho-amarelo (pt); bruant à sourcils jaune (fr); escribano de cejas amarillas (es); gelbbrauenammer (de)
Order Passeriformes
Family Emberizidae
This Asian species breeds in eastern and southern Siberia and winters in central and southern China.
The yellow-browed bunting is 13-14 cm long and has a wingspan of 22-24 cm. They weigh 15-17 g.
These birds breed in the taiga zone, preferring moist coniferous forests of spruce, pine and larch, with well developed undergrowth. In winter they are usually found in areas of thicket and bush bordering crops and forest margins.

Adult yellow-browed buntings only eat seeds, but they feed insects to nestlings.

These birds breed in May-August, with the females building a well hidden nest, placed in a small spruce about 1 m above the ground, and consisting of dry grass stems with the interior lined with wool, hair or very thin stems. There she lays 3-5 greyish eggs with purple spots which she incubates alone for 10-14 days. The young are reared by both parents, and fledge 10-15 days after hatching.

IUCN status – LC (Least concern)
Although the global population size has not been quantified, the species is described as uncommon in most of its large range. The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence for any declines or substantial threats, so the yellow-browed bunting is not considered threatened at present.

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